Thursday, October 18, 2012

Autumn fun and adventure

Fall is my favorite time of the year! The trees are changing color, the air is crisp, and a bit of scary adventure lurks around the corner :)

This is the view from my deck-- a gorgeous tree called a katsura. We planted it some years ago and it fit on the back of our pickup truck. Time sure passes fast....

I'm really proud of this cape because it's the first clothing I've ever made by myself from one of those tissue paper patterns Simplicity sells. This is my hubby dressed for a horseman's hunt ride coming up in November. It took his encouragement to get me to make the costume-- I'm glad he pushed me, it was worth the effort and now I'm not intimidated to sew clothes.

 My littlest one hamming it up for the camera:)

1 comment:

  1. G'day Jamie. Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog post. We are all looking forward to the steam train on Sunday. Good on you for having a go at making something different. The cape looks fabulous. I first learnt to sew using paper patterns, but, it's been quite a while since I have made any clothes etc. Maybe we will see many more items of clothing coming from your very talented hands. Take care. Liz...
