Hi all,
I'm online with generator power hubby hooked up. We weathered the storm but it was hard. A pine tree fell and hit the deck but because it was rotten, it fell to bits and didn't damage anything.
A tree brought down live wires at out neighbors causing a huge fire in the woods below our house. Our two closest neighbors were evacuated in the middle of the hurricane and had to go to a church basement. The road on our side was blocked by the wires. We spent the night watching the fire and praying it didn't burn down the neighbor's house. He was calling us every couple hours to get updates through the night. Fortunately, some power guys helping from Ohio (thank you) came and turned off the power after about 8 hours of worry and jumping fire.
Now we just wait for the power to be restored.
The red cart is our neighbor's horse trailer. The fire was right next to it. I guess the forest was too wet to really burn because we saw few burn marks. This is out driveway with downed lines on it. The road is to the right.
G'day Jamie. I am so glad that everything is ok where you are. It must have been very scary. The TV footage we are seeing here is bad enough, let alone living through it. Take care. Liz...xx